LEK Research Collective
This list includes all the sources from which evidence for the points on the current versions of the maps were derived. It is organized in alphabetical order by five-letter acronym, and each citation is organized in a modified Chicago-style format.
For the acronyms of gazetteers, the first letter of the name of the region to which a place belongs is the first letter of the acronym. For example, CCYXZ 朝陽縣志 遼寧省-朝陽市-朝陽縣 the first C is for Chaoyang shi [city], and the following CY is for Chaoyang xian [county]. Similarly, in SLZXZ 遼中縣鄉土志遼寧省-瀋陽市-遼中縣 S is for Shenyang shi, LZ is for Liaozhong xian.
The editions of the gazetteers cited in this list are from the Diaolong database.
Zhongguo difangzhi 中國地方誌 [Chinese gazetteers]. N.d. Distributed by Diaolong: Zhong Ri guji quanwen ziliao ku 雕龍 : 中日古籍全文資料庫 [Diaolong: A full-text database of ancient Chinese and Japanese texts].
Although specific page citations are not provided for the points in these maps, they are available upon request. Readers who are interested in consulting the source texts may note the following details about the formatting of certain texts:
CDXZS is organized as one fascicle (Juan 卷), but is divided into two sub-sections for pagination purposes, with each sub-section starting with “page 1”.
JSCX1, which is the first of two reprinted volumes, is divided into fascicles (Juan 卷) but the pagination is continuous throughout the volume (a new fascicle does not start with “page 1” but from the next page number from the one on which the previous fascicle ended).
Haicheng xian xiangtu zhi 海城縣鄉土志 [Local gazetteer of Haicheng County], compiled by Wang Renlin 王壬林 et al., and edited by Guan Fenghe 管鳳龢. N.p., n.d. [Qing dynasty]. Manuscript.
Huanren xianzhi 桓仁縣志 [Gazetteer of Huanren County], compiled by Luo Minshu 羅明述 and edited by Hou Xijue 侯錫爵. N.p., 1930. Lithograph.
Linjiang xianzhi 臨江縣志 [Gazetteer of Linjiang County], compiled by Luo Baoshu 羅寳書 and edited by Peng Zuozhen 彭作楨. N.p., 1935. Letterpress print.
Zhang Fengtai 張鳳台. Changbai huizheng lu 長白彙徵錄 [Records of the Changbai Mountains][original name: Zhicun lu 徵存錄]. 8 juan. 1910. Reprint, Zhongguo shaoshu minzu guji jicheng 中国少数民族古籍集成 [Collection of ancient books of Chinese ethnic minority groups], edited by Xu Lihua 徐麗華, vol. 35, 413–512. Chengdu: Sichuan minzu chubanshe, 2002.
Chaoyang xianzhi 朝陽縣志 [Gazetteer of Chaoyang County], compiled by Shen Mingshi 沈鳴詩 et al., and edited by Zhou Tiezheng 周鐵錚. N.p., 1930. Letterpress print.
Yu Zhonglie 禹钟烈. Chaoxian zu 朝鲜族 [The Korean ethnic group]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2008.
Bo·Jiergele 孛・吉尔格 勒, Luo Chun 罗淳, and Tan Xin 谭昕, eds. Zhongguo minzu cunzhai diaocha congshu: Nei Menggu E'wenke zu qi Wulan Baoligegazha diaocha 中國民族村寨調查叢書: 內蒙古鄂溫克族旗烏蘭寶力格嘎查調查 [Survey series of ethnic villages in China: Survey in Ulan Baoligegacha, Ewenki Banner, Inner Mongolia]. Kunming: Yunnan daxue chuabanshe, 2004.
Fengcheng suolu 鳳城瑣錄 [Trivial records of Fengcheng]. Boming 博明 (1718–1788). N.d (late Qing/early Republic). Manuscript.
Fengcheng xianzhi 鳳城縣志 [Gazetteer of Fengcheng County], edited by Ma Longtan 馬龍潭, Shen Guomian 沈國冕, et al. N.p., 1921 [Minguo 10]. Lithograph.
Cao Baoming 曹保明. Dongbei minsu 东北民俗 [Folklore of Northeast China]. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe, 2014.
Teng Shaozhen 滕绍箴 and Sudu'er·Dongying 苏都尔・董瑛, eds. Dawo'er wenhua yanjiu 达斡尔族文化研究 [Research on the culture of the Daur ethnic group]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2014.
Nei Menggu zizhiqu bianji zu 内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial team]. Dawo'er zu shehui lishi diaocha 达斡尔族社会历史调查 [A social history survey of the Daur ethnic group]. Hohhot: Nei Menggu renmin chubanshe, 1985.
Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 達斡爾資料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 3, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji weiyuanhui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 達斡爾資料集編委會與全國少數民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur historical materials anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 1996.
Gao Wa 高瓦. Dawo'er zu ren de shisu 達斡爾族人的食俗 [Food customs of the Daur people]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 達斡爾資料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 8, edited by Le Zhide 乐志德. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 1996.
Chi Zijian 遲子建. E'erguna he you'an 額爾古納河右岸 [The right bank of Ergun River]. Beijing: Shiyue wenyi chubanshe, 2005.
Du Yonghao 都永浩. Elunchun youlie, dingju, fazhan 鄂倫春族遊獵、定居、發展 [Hunting, settlement and development of the Orochen ethnic group]. Beijing: Zhongguo minzu xueyuan chubanshe, 1993.
Nei Menggu zizhiqu bianji zu 内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial team] and Zhongguo shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha ziliao congkan xiuding bianji weiyuanhui 《中国少数民族社会历史调查资料丛刊》修订编辑委员会 [Series of Social History Survey Materials of China’s Ethnic Minority Groups revision editorial committee]. Elunchun zu shehui lishi diaocha 2 鄂伦春族社会历史调查 2 [A social history survey of the Orochen ethnic group, volume 2]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 2009.
Tian Xuefu 田学夫. “Ewenke ren de yishi zhuxing” 鄂温克人的衣食住行 [Food, clothing, housing and transportation of the Ewenki people]. Shijian vol. 1, no. 1 (1981): 37.
Nei Meng Dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 內蒙東北少數民族社會歷史調查組 [Inner Mongolia and Northeast China ethnic minorities social history survey group]. Elunchun zizhiqi Tuozhaming nutuke qingkuang 鄂倫春自治旗托扎明努圖克情況 [Situation of the Tuozhamin nutug (township) in the Orochen Autonomous Banner]. Beijing: Quanguo renmin daibiao dahui minzu weiyuanhui bangongshi, 1957.
Xingjing xianzhi 興京縣志 [Gazetteer of Xingjing County], compiled by Su Min 蘇民, edited by Shen Guomian 沈國冕 and Su Xianyang 蘇顯揚. N.p., 1925 [Minguo 14]. Letterpress print.
Kan Degang 闞德刚, and Ma Shusen 马树森. Dazao minsu tese zonghe fazhan de xin nongcun: Heilongjiang Ning'an shi Bohai zhen Jiangxi cun diaocha baogao 打造民俗特色综合发展的新农村:黑龙江宁安市渤海镇江西村调查报告 [Building a new village with comprehensive development of folk customs: a survey report on Jiangxi Village, Bohai Town, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang]. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011.
Nei Menggu shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 內蒙古少數民族社會歷史調查組 [Inner Mongolia ethnic minorities social history survey group]. Heilongjiang sheng Huma xian Shiba zhan Elunchun minzu xiang qingkuang 黑龍江省呼瑪縣十八站鄂倫春民族鄉情況 [State of affairs in the Orochen ethnic township in Shiba zhan, Huma County, Heilongjiang]. Hohhot: Nei Menggu shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu, 1959.
Li Xingsheng 李兴盛. Heilongjiang Hanzu wenhua 黑龙江汉族文化 [Han ethnic culture in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang jiaoyu chubanshe, 2008.
Heilongjiang waiji 黑龍江外記 [Unofficial records of Heilongjiang], edited by Guo Kexing 郭克興. 8 juan. N.p., 1926.
Heilongjiang xiangtu zhi 黑龍江鄉土志 [Local gazetteer of Heilongjiang], compiled and edited by Guo Kexing 郭克興. N.p., 1926 [Minguo 15]. Letterpress print.
Heilongjiang zhigao 黑龍江志稿 [Draft gazetteer of Heilongjiang], compiled by Zhang Boying 張伯英 et al., and edited by Wan Fulin 萬福麟. 62 juan. N.p., 1933 [Minguo 22]. Letterpress print.
Minzu wenti wuzhong congshu Heilongjiang sheng bianji weiyuanhui 《民族问题五种丛书》黑龙江省编辑委员会 [Heilongjiang provincial editorial team of the Five-Part Series of Ethnic Issues]. Heilongjiang sheng Man zu Chaoxian zu Hui zu Menggu zu Ke'erkezi zu shehui lishi diaocha 黑龙江省满族朝鲜族回族蒙古族柯尔克孜族社会历史调查 [A social and historical investigation of the Manchu, Korean, Hui, Mongol, and Kyrgyz ethnic groups in Heilongjiang Province]. Guojia minwei Minzu wenti wuzhong congshu 国家民委《民族问题五种丛书》 [National Ethnic Affairs Commission Five-Part Series of Ethnic Issues]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 2009.
Bo·Shaobu 波・少布. Heilongjiang Menggu zu wenhua 黑龙江蒙古族文化 [Mongol ethnic culture in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang jiaoyu chubanshe, 2007.
Zhuhe xianzhi 珠河縣志 [Gazetteer of Zhuhe County], compiled by Song Jingwen 宋景文 and edited by Sun Quanfang 孫荃芳. N.p., 1929. Letterpress print.
Minzu wenti wuzong congshu Heilongjiang sheng bianji zu 《民族问题五种丛书》黑龙江省编辑组 [Heilongjiang provincial editorial team of the Five-Part Series of Ethnic Issues]. Hezhe zu shehui lishi diaocha 赫哲族社会历史调查 [A social history survey of the Heje ethnic group]. Heilongjiang: Heilongjiang Chaoxian minzu chubanshe, 1987.
Zhang Minjie 張敏傑. Hezhe zu yulie wenhua yicun 赫哲族漁獵文化遺存 [Relics of Heje fishing and hunting cultures]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe, 2008.
Jilin jiuwen lu 雞林舊聞錄 [Records of old lore about Jilin], compiled by Wei Shenghe 魏聲龢. Jilin City: Jichang ribao she, 1913 [Minguo 2]. Reprint, Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe, 1986.
Jilin tongzhi 吉林通志 [Comprehensive gazetteer of Jilin], compiled by Changshun 長順 and edited by Li Guilin 李桂林. N.p., 1891.
Panshi xian xiangtu zhi 磐石縣鄉土志 [Local gazetteer of Panshi County], compiled by Mao Zhumin 毛祝民 and edited by Yao Zuxun 姚祖訓. N.p. [between 1911 and 1949?]. Mimeograph.
Jilin sheng Shuangcheng xianzhi 吉林省雙城縣志 [Gazetteer of Shuangcheng County of Jilin Province], edited by Zhang Ziming 張鼒銘, and Gao Wenyuan 高文垣. 1926 [Minguo 15]. Reprint, Zhongguo fangzhi congshu 中國方志叢書 [Chinese gazetteers series], Dongbei difang 東北地方 [Northeast regions], no. 33, vol. 1. Taipei: Chengwen chubanshe, 1973.
Wei Yulan 魏毓蘭. Longcheng jiuwen 龍城舊聞 [Records of old lore of Longcheng]. 3 juan. N.p.: Heilongjiang baoguan, 1919 [Minguo 8]. Reprint, Heilongjiang: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe, 1986.
Yu Zhonglie 禹钟烈. Liaoning Chaoxian zu shihua 辽宁朝鲜族史话 [History of the Korean ethnic group in Liaoning]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2000.
Tong Yuquan 佟玉权, and Han Fuwen 韩福文. Liaoning lüyou wenhua yanjiu 辽宁旅游文化研究 [Research on Liaoning tourism culture]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2005.
Jueyu jilüe 絶域紀略 [A brief gazetteer of distant lands], compiled by Fang Gongqian 方拱乾. 1 juan. N.p., 1662.
Zhou Hong 周虹. Man zu funü shenghuo yu minsu wenhua yanjiu 满族妇女生活与民俗文化研究 [Research on Manchu women’s life and folk culture]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2005.
Xiang Fusheng 项福生. Menggu zu 蒙古族 [The Mongol ethnic group]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2009.
Zhang Jiasheng 张佳生, ed. Man zu yu Changbaishan 满族与长白山 [The Manchu ethnic group and the Changbai Mountains]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2011.
Sun Jiliu 孙辑六, and Lanzhoushi Man zu lianyihui 兰州市满族联谊会 [Lanzhou Manchu Friendship Association], eds. Man zu fengqing lu 满族风情录 [Records of Manchu customs]. Chengdu: Sichuan minzu chubanshe, 1994.
Zeng Wu 曾武 and Yang Fengmo 杨丰陌, eds. Man zu minsu wanxiang 满族民俗万象 [Various manifestations of Manchu folk culture]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2008.
Zhang Jiasheng 张佳生, He Xiaofang 何晓芳, and Guan Kexiao 关克笑. Man zu wenhua shi 满族文化史 [Cultural history of the Manchu ethnic group]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2013.
Nei Menggu shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 內蒙古少數民族社會歷史調查組 [Inner Mongolia ethnic minorities social history survey team]. Nei Menggu zizhiqu Hulunbei'er meng E'wenke zu zizhiqi Huisuomu diaocha baogao 內蒙古自治區呼倫貝爾盟鄂溫克族自治旗輝索木調查報告 [Investigation report of Huisuomu Ewenki Autonomous Banner of Hulunbuir League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region]. Hohhot: Nei Menggu shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu, 1959.
Baoqing xianzhi 寳清縣志 [Gazetteer of Baoqing County], compiled by Han Daguang 韓大光, and edited by Qi Yaowu 齊耀珷. N.p., 1936. Letterpress print based on a mimeograph edition.
Fuyu xianzhi 扶餘縣志 [Gazetteer of Fuyu County], compiled by Zhang Qijun 張其軍. N.p., n.d. Mimeograph.
Ling Chunsheng 凌纯声. Songhuajiang xiayou de Hezhe zu 松花江下游的赫哲族 [The Hezhen people of the lower Songhua River]. Nanjing : Guoli zhongyang yanjiuyuan, 1934 [Minguo 23].
Feng Wenxun 馮文洵. Hailun zayong 海倫雜詠 [Miscellaneous odes to Hailun]. N.p.: Binjiang Molintang 濱江墨林堂, 1921 [Minguo 10]. Letterpress print.
Liaozhong xianzhi 遼中縣志 [Gazetteer of Liaozhong County], compiled by Li Zhijia 李植嘉 et al., and edited by Xu Weihuai 徐維淮. N.p., 1930. Letterpress print.
Xinmin xianzhi 新民縣志 [Gazetteer of Xinimin County], compiled by Zhang Bohui 張博惠 and edited by Wang Baoshan 王寶善. N.p., 1926. Letterpress print.
Ji'an xianzhi 輯安縣志 [Gazetteer of Ji'an County], compiled by Zhang Gongyuan 張拱垣 and edited by Pang Wenzhong 龐文中. N.p., n.d. Mimeograph.
Tonghua xianzhi 通化縣志 [Gazetteer of Tonghua County], compiled by Shao Fangling 邵芳齡 and edited by Lin Xuezeng 林學增. N.p., 1927. Letterpress print.
Fu Yuguang 富育光, ed. Tuxiang Zhongguo Man zu fengsu xulu 图像中国满族风俗叙录 [An illustrated narrative of the customs of the Manchu ethnic group in China]. Jinan: Shandong huabao chubanshe, 2008.
Gerilema 格日勒玛. “Weigongcun de Menggu yinshi wenhua” 魏公村的蒙古饮食文化 [Mongolian food culture in Weigong Village]. In Beijing shaoshu minzu wenhua ziyuan yanjiu 北京少数民族文化资源研究 [Research on the cultural resources of ethnic minority groups in Beijing], edited by Su Faxiang 苏发祥, 121–32. Beijing: Jiuzhou chubanshe, 2017.
Cao Baoming 曹保明. Wula shouji: Dongbei minsu tianye kaocha 乌拉手记:东北民俗田野考察 [Notes of Ula: Folklore fieldwork in Northeastern China]. Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2001.
Sachiko Hatanaka 畑中 幸子. “Chūgoku Tōhokubu ni okeru minzokushiteki fukugō” 中国東北部における民族誌的複合 [Ethnographic composite in Northeast China]. In Tōhoku Ajia no rekishi to shakai 東北アジアの歴史と社会 [History and society of Northeast Asia], edited by Hatanaka Sachiko 畑中幸子 and Harayama Akira 原山 煌, 217–76. Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku shuppankai, 1991.
Guan Xiaoyun 关小云, and Wang Zaixiang 王再祥, eds. Zhongguo Elunchun zu 中国鄂伦春族 [China’s Orochen ethnic group]. Yinchuan: Ningxia renmin chubanshe, 2012.
Zhang Jiasheng 张佳生, ed. Zhongguo Man zu tonglun 中国满族通论 [A general theory of the Manchu ethnic group in China]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2004.
Hu Pu'an 胡樸安, ed. Zhonghua quanguo fengsu zhi 中華全國風俗志 [Folk customs of China]. Shanghai: Dada tushu gongyingshe, 1936.
Mao Gongning 毛公宁. Zhongguo shaoshu minzu fengsu zhi 中国少数民族风俗志 [Folk customs of Chinese ethnic minorities]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 2006.
Yan Qixiang 颜其香, ed. Zhongguo shaoshu minzu yinshi wenhua huicui 中国少数民族饮食文化荟萃 [Encyclopedia of Chinese ethnic minorities’ food customs]. Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan guoji youxian gongsi, 2001.